Wing of Misadventure

On Blockchain: BNB Chain-BSC
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Updated: Aug 24th 2022

What is Wing of Misadventure ?

Wing of Misadventure is a metaverse based on the world of Misadventure, the main idea of ​​the project is to create multiple game series and make possible for players to dictate an economy based on crypto tokens.

In Misadventure, you can follow the story to find out about the game's world, the story mode can give you important rewards to increase your character's strength.

You will be able to spend your time defeating monsters and getting items and coins, weak monsters give low rewards, but in excess they can be worth a lot.

There are dungeons for P2E players that can award $MISAD and NFTs, for F2P players there is no chance of dropping $MISAD or Remnants, but there are F2P dungeons with low chance of dropping NFT Goddess equipment.

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