Hat Swap City

On Blockchain: BNB Chain-BSC
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Updated: Feb 17th 2022

What is Hat Swap City ?

Hat Swap City is a multiplayer social game with elegant chatting features and an in-game NFT marketplace. The in-game currency is Hatcoin. The City features futuristic blockchain technology and is designed to meet the needs of cryptocurrency traders. Fun mini-games accessible in the City allow players to earn Hatcoin and NFTs.

Core components of the game include:

  • Customizable NFT-based avatars.

  • A metaverse of partner projects fully integrated into the city.

  • The In-Game NFT Marketplace for an unparalleled trading experience.

  • A superior chat system.

  • Earn tokens and NFTs by playing minigames.

  • Buy and sell tokens using PancakeSwap or PooCoin API.

  • Digital Land.

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