Zeknd Superchain $OPZEKND


Network: BNB Chain (BSC)



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Emerald ?


  • listed

    1. Votes for listing: 

  • 500/500

    1. Total Votes: 

  • 1,916

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What is Zeknd Superchain ?

What is the project about? opZEKND is a groundbreaking blockchain project that aims to revolutionize the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. It is built on the opZeknd SuperChain, a Layer 2 EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) platform based on Optimism's OP Stack. The project provides a scalable and high-performance infrastructure for the development and deployment of decentralized applications (DApps), smart contracts, and the metaverse. What makes your project unique? opZEKND stands out in the blockchain space due to its focus on scalability, performance, and the integration of the metaverse. The SuperChain technology allows for fast and low-cost transactions, making it suitable for various use cases. Moreover, opZEKND's incorporation of the metaverse enables the creation of immersive and interconnected virtual experiences, fostering new opportunities for social interactions, commerce, and entertainment. History of your project. opZEKND was conceived to address the limitations and scalability issues of traditional blockchain networks. The project's team, consisting of 25 members from around the world, has been diligently working to develop the opZEKND ecosystem. They have conducted successful presale events, established partnerships with notable companies, and engaged in extensive community building to create a robust and supportive ecosystem. What's next for your project? opZEKND has exciting plans for the future. The team will continue to enhance the SuperChain's capabilities, optimize performance, and ensure a seamless user experience. They will focus on expanding partnerships with prominent companies and centralized exchanges, further increasing liquidity and adoption. Additionally, opZEKND aims to drive innovation within the metaverse space, fostering the development of engaging and immersive virtual experiences. What can your token be used for? The native token of opZEKND, $OPZEKND, plays a vital role within the ecosystem. It serves as a utility token that en

Zeknd Superchain ( OPZEKND ) price today is $0.000743429058152. OPZEKND price is down 0 % in the last 24 hours.


Zeknd Superchain has no news for the moment !


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Rule get rank vote on CoinAlpha

❖ Rank Red Beryl : 500 - 999 votes.

❖ Rank Emerald : 1,000 - 1,999 votes.

❖ Rank Ruby : 2,000 - 4,999 votes.

❖ Rank Pink Diamond : 5,000 - 9,999 votes.

❖ Rank Jadeite : 10,000 - 19,999 votes.

❖ Rank Blue Diamond : > 20,000 votes.