Nov 23rd 2021 23:51



SAHAKORN COIN -- A utility token that used in, and and used to represent partnership certificate.
     Our projects meet the needs of the business community.  real estate broker  Hotel broker, second-hand goods, borrowing at interest rates that are lower than the law.
 We have a wide variety of products.  both first-hand and second-hand  located on our website.

Utility token for everybody that used in and able to get passive income as shown in and focuses on the participation of all members.
Joining power in buying, selling, sharing, helping each other will make "Demand" meet "Supply", but can not to do it alone.
So, work together is the way to be successful.
For example, if we have to buy cheap products  we have to buy together,
 if we want to sell  products for a good price,  we should cooperate to set the price.

The main mission of is to make people earn money.

1. Loan with low interest at the rate of 1 percent per month.
 without having a guarantor  and no collateral is required.
Please see in

2. Open oppertunity for investment in SAHAKORN COIN to earn passive income.

Invest 10,000 baht, get 10,000 SAHAKORN COIN per month, every month, forever is the end.
 Please see details in

 3. Encourage members to know about doing  business.
     3.1 Start with the purchase business.  Any member who has potentail to buy reused  material, will be estrablish, with training course.
     3.2 Next step is sales business.  Sell   everything to members at wholesale prices.
     3.3 Then do other businesses around the world for the benefit of all members together.

The special focus business is the brokerage business, especially buildings, vehicle, and land, which have a very high market value.
It is the bussiness of customer's assets which have to invest a lot of physical, mental effort, but will receive a very high return --worth the time.
But the fact is doing it alone can not success, it requires cooperation from all parties to exchange informations on both demand and supply.

All members are the owners of, buy and/or sell products in will receive 12% of net annual profit. Anyone who makes a lot of profits for will receive a large return.

Therefore doing any business to succsess must work together.
It can be summed up that

"Good cooperation  will keep us alive.”

"Good corporation will survive."