May 1st 2022 09:54



The Ondo Finance Protocol is an open and decentralized investment bank. Ondo enables and facilitates connections between various stakeholders in the emerging DeFi ecosystem — including DAOs, institutional and retail.

What is Ondo Finance
Ondo is based upon three core principles:

Code > legalese. Ondo is a suite of financial products based upon DeFi building blocks, which execute according to open source code rather than legalese. These products interoperate with existing DeFi protocols, allowing for frictionless value transfer.
Products should be owned by the people. Ondo will be governed as a DAO and controlled by a diverse set of participants, including by many of its users.
Products should be for the people. Ondo has no investment minimums. Retail can access Ondo products alongside institutions.
Building a Decentralized Investment Bank

Ondo was built on the belief that customized financial products and services should be available to all. Traditional investment banking is highly manual, expensive, and reliant on gatekeeping intermediaries. DeFi makes it possible for financial services to be offered at almost no cost to the incremental user. Instead of relying on intermediaries and complex legal documents, we can rely on smart contract code to automate the performance of financial agreements.

By leveraging the power of DeFi, Ondo can:

Bundle yield opportunities across the DeFi landscape
Repackage these assets into easily understood risk/reward profiles
Match & offer these assets to both crypto native and non-crypto individuals