The Decentralised Wish $Bunsanka
Network: Ethereum Smart Chain (ETH)
Note: The Decentralised Wish ( Bunsanka ) is a new born token. Trading new born tokens is risky. Consult multiple sources of information and review the contract source code on Etherscan.
token base information:
liquidity information:
LP Holdings: -
LP address (Bunsanka/ETH): 0x037fe482afa5d6ca8d1756d7214ab362358ca383
The Decentralised Wish ( Bunsanka ) price today is $0. Bunsanka price is down 0 % in the last 24 hours.
The Decentralised Wish token contract is 0xa3cf3dc46bbaa190ff739970b7afd6d4a98c3975
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