
Vote for Orakler to increase its rank!


Vote for Orakler

You can vote once every 24 hours.

Updated: Jan 18th 2022

What is Orakler ?

Orakler is a decentralised platform based on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) NFT technology, inspired by the NFT gaming world.

Orakler is presented as the first game that proposes a stable economy. To achieve this we propose the use of the following technologies:

  • The Oracle is the base of our economy, based on the value of the dollar we establish the in-game rewards and the mint of the NFT's, being able in this way, to control that the benefits are stable in the long term.

  • Do not alter the rewards. We understand that the real players are those who, before starting to play, calculate what profit they will have and how long they can get it, so we are committed to never change the rewards.

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