
Crypto Legions Bloodstone

On Blockchain: BNB Chain-BSC
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Supported Tokens:

Crypto Legions Bloodstone-(-BLST-)-token-logo

Crypto Legions Bloodstone

BLST BLST / BSC 7.3% 24h

$ 0.000239117681507

1.07% 1h

7.3% 24h


Updated: Aug 7th 2022

What is Crypto Legions Bloodstone ?

Play-To-Earn NFT games typically fail when their economies become unsustainable. This usually happens when established players hoard ever-lasting NFTs, and start withdrawing rewards in bulk without contributing anything back. Without enough new players joining, the economy stagnates: All the rewards have been eaten up by whales, with little incentives left for everybody else. This is when game creators tend to panic and impose knee-jerk measures that catch remaining players off guard, damaging trust and making a bad situation worse.

Crypto Legions has created a revolutionary mathematical solution to protect the longevity of the game economy and reward players who stick around.

Introducing Nadodo, Crypto Legions’s Omni-Balanced Oracle™. Nadodo keeps an eye on the economy and uses a proactive system to help game rewards retain their long-term value. Not only are unclaimed rewards linked to the USD, but Nadodo also employs responsive and adjustable taxation to create a sustainable game economy.

When the game economy is healthy, Nadodo will lower in-game taxes, allowing current players to reap the rewards. If the game economy stagnates, Nadodo will gently raise taxes, incentivizing the value of in-game tokens, and use some of the revenue to boost the marketing budget, attracting more players into the game.

Nadodo is not only wise, but also transparent: As a player, you will always be fully informed of the incentives and taxations so you can adjust your playing style accordingly.

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